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How to Make Keto Chips at Home? Cut Off Carbs By 100%

how to make keto chips at home

Let’s face it, chips are a universal comfort food. That satisfying crunch, the salty tang, the endless flavor variations – it’s no wonder they’re a staple in many snack pantries. But for those of us on the keto journey, the world of chips takes a dramatic turn.

Those irresistible potato chips, tortilla chips, and even baked varieties are loaded with carbohydrates, the very macronutrient we’re trying to restrict on a keto diet.

This can leave you feeling deprived and frustrated, especially when a chip craving hits.

But fear not, fellow keto adventurer! There’s a delicious and empowering solution hiding right in your kitchen: homemade keto chips.

These aren’t your average chips. We’re talking about low-carb powerhouses that satisfy your cravings without kicking you out of ketosis.

They’re customizable, so you can create your dream flavor profile. Plus, you have complete control over the ingredients, ensuring a healthy and satisfying snack.

Here’s why whipping up your own keto chips might be the best decision you make all week:

  • The Power of Personalization: Imagine perfectly crispy chips flavored with your favorite herbs and spices. With homemade keto chips, the flavor combinations are endless! Want a spicy kick? Add some chili flakes. Feeling cheesy? Sprinkle on some grated parmesan. It’s your chip, your way.
  • Clean Eating, Keto Style: Store-bought keto chips often sneak in hidden carbs and unhealthy ingredients. By making your own, you know exactly what’s going into your body. Choose healthy fats like avocado oil or coconut oil, and low-carb vegetables like zucchini or kale.
  • Cost-Effective Crunch: Let’s be honest, those fancy keto chips at the store can be pricey. But with a few staple ingredients, you can create a massive batch of homemade chips at a fraction of the cost. Plus, you’ll likely have leftovers for satisfying those mid-afternoon munchies.

So, ditch the carb cravings and embrace the power of homemade keto chips. Get ready to experience a whole new level of deliciousness as we dive into “how to make keto chips at home”– guilt-free and keto-friendly!

how to make keto chips at home

What are the main ingredients needed to make keto chips at home?

You’ll need keto-friendly flours like almond flour, healthy fats like avocado oil, and spices or herbs for flavor.

How do homemade keto chips help with clean eating?

By making your own keto chips, you avoid hidden carbs and unhealthy ingredients found in store-bought versions.

Why are homemade keto chips cost-effective?

Creating your own keto chips with basic ingredients is cheaper than buying expensive store-bought keto snacks.

What are the benefits of using almond flour in keto chips?

Almond flour provides a mild, nutty flavor and a crispy texture, perfect for a variety of keto chip recipes.

How does coconut flour affect the texture of keto chips?

Coconut flour makes the chips very absorbent and crispy, though it can be dry if not balanced with other ingredients.

Why is avocado oil a good choice for making keto chips?

Avocado oil has a high smoke point and neutral flavor, making it ideal for baking or frying keto chips to a perfect crisp.

What flavor variations can you add to homemade keto tortilla chips?

You can try spicy fiesta, everything bagel, and cheesy goodness flavors to keep your keto chips exciting.

How does making keto chips at home contribute to personalized flavors?

Homemade keto chips allow you to customize flavors with your favorite spices, herbs, and cheeses.

What are some tips for achieving the perfect crispness in keto chips?

Preheat your oven or air fryer, watch cooking times closely, and flip chips halfway through baking for even crispness.

What’s in it for me if I start making keto chips at home?

You gain control over ingredients, enjoy customizable flavors, save money, and stick to your keto diet without feeling deprived.

Understanding Keto-Friendly Chips Ingredients: Keto-Friendly Flours

We’ve established that homemade keto chips are a revelation for satisfying cravings while staying on track. But what about the base ingredient that holds it all together? This is where the magic of keto-friendly flour comes in!

There are several fantastic options, each with its own unique properties that can influence the texture and flavor of your chips. Let’s dive into the wonderful world of keto flours and explore how they can elevate your chip-making experience:

1. Almond Flour: The Versatile Champion

How to Make Keto Chips at Home
  • What it is: Finely ground almonds, boasting a mild, nutty flavor.
  • Texture: Creates a slightly crumbly but ultimately crispy chip.
  • Flavor: Adds a subtle nutty depth that complements savory and cheesy flavors beautifully.
  • Best for: A wide variety of chips, from classic keto tortilla chips to cheesy crisps and everything in between. Its versatility makes it a great all-purpose choice.

Tip: Almond flour absorbs moisture readily, so be mindful of adding too much liquid in your chip batter.

2. Coconut Flour: The Absorbent Powerhouse

How to Make Keto Chips at Home
  • What it is: Finely ground coconut meat, known for its high fiber content.
  • Texture: Creates very absorbent chips that can become quite dry and crisp.
  • Flavor: Has a subtle coconut taste that can work well with sweet or savory chip variations.
  • Best for: Cheese crisps or crackers, where a drier texture is desirable. Due to its absorbency, it’s often used in combination with other flours for chip recipes.

Tip: Coconut flour is incredibly absorbent, so you’ll need to use significantly less compared to other flours. Start with a small amount and gradually add more until you reach your desired consistency.

3. Psyllium Husk Flour: The Binding Genius

How to Make Keto Chips at Home
  • What it is: Powdered husks of the psyllium plant, known for its gelling properties.
  • Texture: Acts as a binder, promoting a firmer chip texture.
  • Flavor: Virtually tasteless.
  • Best for: Adding structure and preventing chips from becoming crumbly. It’s a great addition to blends with other flours.

Tip: Psyllium husk flour can be slightly slimy when mixed with water. Use it sparingly and consider adding a little more fat, like melted cheese, to counteract this effect.

4. Flaxseed Meal: The Superfood Option

How to Make Keto Chips at Home
  • What it is: Ground flaxseeds, rich in omega-3 fatty acids and fiber.
  • Texture: Contributes to a slightly chewy and crispy texture.
  • Flavor: Has a nutty, slightly earthy flavor.
  • Best for: Keto crackers or chips where a bit of chewiness is desired.

Tip: Flaxseed meal can be slightly bitter. Roasting the flaxseeds before grinding can help mellow out the flavor.

With this arsenal of keto-friendly flours at your disposal, you can create a symphony of textures and flavors in your homemade keto chips. So experiment, have fun, and discover the perfect flour combination for your next crunchy creation!

Healthy Fats for Keto Chips: The Secret to Irresistible Crisp

We’ve got the perfect keto-friendly flour, but what about the magic ingredient that makes chips truly irresistible: fat! In the world of keto chips, healthy fats are more than just flavor carriers; they play a crucial role in achieving the satisfying crispness we all crave. Let’s explore some fantastic options that will elevate your chip-making game:

1. Avocado Oil: The All-Around Champion

How to Make Keto Chips at Home
  • Why it’s great: Avocado oil boasts a high smoke point, making it perfect for high-heat applications like baking or frying keto chips. It’s also neutral in flavor, so it won’t overpower the other ingredients in your recipe.
  • Crisp factor: Delivers a beautiful golden-brown crisp with a light and airy texture.
  • Best for: A wide variety of keto chip recipes, from classic tortilla chips to cheesy crisps and vegetable chips. Its versatility makes it a popular choice.

2. Coconut Oil: The Tropical Twist

How to Make Keto Chips at Home
  • Why it’s great: Coconut oil adds a subtle coconut flavor that can be delightful in certain chip variations. It also has a medium smoke point, making it suitable for most baking applications.
  • Crisp factor: Creates a slightly denser and chewier chip compared to avocado oil.
  • Best for: Keto chips with a hint of coconut flavor, like veggie chips made with zucchini or sweet potato (used sparingly on keto). It can also be a good choice for cheese crisps where a slightly denser texture is desired.

Tip: Coconut oil solidifies at room temperature. If your recipe calls for melted coconut oil, simply warm it gently until liquid.

3. Ghee: The Clarified Powerhouse

How to Make Keto Chips at Home
  • Why it’s great: Ghee is essentially butter that has had the milk solids and lactose removed. This makes it a great option for those who are lactose intolerant and still crave that buttery flavor. Ghee has a high smoke point, perfect for high-heat baking.
  • Crisp factor: Similar to avocado oil, ghee delivers a beautiful golden-brown crisp with a slightly richer flavor due to its buttery essence.
  • Best for: Keto chips where a buttery taste is desired, like cheesy crisps or cauliflower chips.

Choosing the Right Fat:

Ultimately, the best fat for your keto chips depends on the desired flavor profile and texture. Here’s a quick cheat sheet:

  • For a neutral flavor and light, airy texture: Avocado Oil
  • For a hint of coconut and a slightly chewier texture: Coconut Oil
  • For a rich, buttery flavor and a classic crisp: Ghee

Remember, you can also experiment with combinations of these fats to create unique flavor profiles in your keto chips. So grab your favorite oil, embrace your inner culinary scientist, and get ready to experience a whole new level of healthy, homemade chip bliss!

Flavor Boosters and Spices: Unleashing the Inner Chip Lover

We’ve covered the essential building blocks – flours and fats. Now it’s time to unleash your inner chip virtuoso with the magic of flavor boosters and spices! The beauty of homemade keto chips is the endless customization you have over their taste profile. With the right spices and herbs, you can transform a simple chip base into a flavor explosion. Here’s your spice rack survival guide for keto chip mastery:

Spice Rack Staples:

  • Salt and Pepper: These flavor foundations are a must-have for any chip recipe. Experiment with different types of sea salt for a touch of variety.
  • Garlic Powder and Onion Powder: These powerhouses add a savory depth that complements almost any chip flavor.
  • Italian Seasoning: A pre-made blend of herbs like oregano, basil, and thyme, this is a shortcut to deliciousness for keto pizza chips or veggie chips.
  • Smoked Paprika: For a smoky twist, smoked paprika adds a unique complexity to cheesy crisps or cauliflower chips.

Creative Flavor Adventures:

Now that you have the basics covered, let’s explore some exciting flavor combinations to tantalize your taste buds:

  • Ranch: Dill, chives, garlic powder, onion powder, and a pinch of black pepper.
  • Taco: Chili powder, cumin, paprika, oregano, and a dash of cayenne pepper for a kick.
  • Everything Bagel: Sesame seeds, poppy seeds, dried onion flakes, garlic powder, and a touch of sea salt.
  • Lemon Pepper: Lemon zest, black pepper, and a pinch of garlic powder.
  • Sriracha: Ground chili flakes, garlic powder, and a touch of sweetener like stevia (use sparingly) for a sweet and spicy combo.

Don’t forget the Fresh Herbs!

For an extra pop of flavor, consider incorporating fresh herbs like chopped basil, parsley, or cilantro. These are best added towards the end of cooking to preserve their vibrant taste.

Spice Up Your Life!

This is just a starting point, my fellow chip adventurer. There’s a whole world of spices waiting to be explored. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different combinations and create your own signature keto chip flavors. After all, the only limit is your imagination (and perhaps your spice tolerance)!

Essential Keto Chip-Making Techniques:

We’ve assembled the dream team – flours, fats, and flavorings – and now it’s time to transform those ingredients into crispy, keto-friendly magic! But before you dive headfirst into mixing, let’s explore some essential techniques that will elevate your chip-making game from good to gourmet.

Mixing Matters:

The way you mix your chip dough or batter depends on the recipe. Some recipes call for a simple stir-fry of dry and wet ingredients, while others might require creaming together butter and sweetener (yes, a little can go a long way in keto chips!) or even whipping egg whites for a light and airy texture. Follow your chosen recipe’s instructions carefully, and be mindful of overmixing, which can lead to tough chips.

Shaping Your Creation:

Once your dough or batter is ready, it’s time to shape it into chip perfection. Here are your options:

  • Rolling and Cutting: This classic method is perfect for flat chips like tortilla chips or veggie chips. Roll out the dough on a parchment-lined baking sheet to your desired thickness and use a sharp knife or cookie cutter to create uniform shapes.
  • Pressing: For thicker, bite-sized chips like cheese crisps or cauliflower bites, press the dough evenly into a baking sheet or silicone mold. Use a fork to create small indentations if desired, for extra crispness.
  • Molds: For fun shapes or bite-sized crackers, invest in some silicone molds. Simply press the dough into the molds and bake according to the recipe’s instructions.

The Great Baking Debate: Oven vs. Air Fryer

How to Make Keto Chips at Home

Now, let’s talk about the heat source for your keto chip masterpiece. You have two main options: the trusty oven or the trendy air fryer. Here’s a breakdown of their pros and cons:

  • Oven:
  • Pros: Can handle larger batches, perfect for when you’re craving a chip party. More versatile for different chip thicknesses.
  • Cons: May take longer to preheat and cook compared to an air fryer. Requires flipping the chips halfway through to ensure even baking.
  • Air Fryer:
  • Pros: Faster preheating and cooking times. Delivers a crispier texture due to its rapid air circulation. No need to flip the chips.
  • Cons: Smaller capacity, so you might need to work in batches for larger recipes. May not be suitable for very thin chips.

The Golden Rules of Crispness:

The ultimate goal is achieving that perfect balance between crispy and slightly chewy. Here are some secrets to crispy keto chip success:

  • Preheat, Preheat, Preheat! A preheated oven or air fryer ensures even cooking and prevents your chips from becoming soggy.
  • Temperature is Key: Most keto chips bake between 300°F and 375°F (149°C and 190°C). Follow your recipe’s specific recommendations, and adjust slightly based on the thickness of your chips.
  • Time Management: Don’t overcook your chips! Keep a close eye on them during the last few minutes of baking or air frying. Start checking for crispness a minute or two before the recommended time.
  • The Flip Side: For oven-baked chips, flipping them halfway through cooking ensures even browning and crispness. Use a spatula to gently lift and turn them over.

Crispy Troubleshooting:

Even the most seasoned keto chefs can encounter occasional crispness woes. Here’s how to troubleshoot common issues:

  • Soggy Chips: This could be due to under-baking, using too much wet ingredients, or not preheating the oven/air fryer properly. Increase baking time slightly, adjust your recipe’s wet-to-dry ratio, and ensure your heat source is preheated before adding the chips.
  • Uneven Crispness: This could be from not flipping the chips (oven) or uneven air circulation in your air fryer. Make sure to flip oven-baked chips and consider rearranging the chips halfway through air frying for even browning.

With these techniques and a little practice, you’ll be a keto chip-making maestro in no time! So grab your ingredients, unleash your creativity, and get ready to experience the joy of homemade, keto-friendly crunch!

Want to read complete and latest COMBO of keto tortilla, cheese, and choco chips? Read this guide.

Keto Chip Recipe Round-Up!

#1: Conquer the Craving: Classic Keto Tortilla Chips (with Flavor Variations!)

Missing those satisfying tortilla chips on your keto journey? Worry no more! This recipe is your gateway to delicious, homemade keto tortilla chips that are every bit as crunchy and flavorful as the originals, without the carb overload.

The beauty of this recipe lies in its simplicity and versatility. We’ll start with a basic keto tortilla chip dough, then explore some exciting flavor variations to tantalize your taste buds.

Yields: Approximately 12-15 chips (depending on size)

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 15-20 minutes

Total Time: 25-30 minutes


  • 1 cup almond flour
How to Make Keto Chips at Home
  • ¼ cup grated parmesan cheese
  • ½ teaspoon psyllium husk powder
How to Make Keto Chips at Home
  • ½ teaspoon garlic powder
  • ¼ teaspoon onion powder
  • ½ teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 large egg
  • 1-2 tablespoons melted avocado oil
How to Make Keto Chips at Home


  • Gather your ingredients: Measure out all your dry ingredients – almond flour, parmesan cheese, psyllium husk powder, garlic powder, onion powder, and sea salt – into a medium bowl.
How to Make Keto Chips at Home
  • Whisk the dry ingredients: Using a whisk or fork, thoroughly combine the dry ingredients in the bowl.
How to Make Keto Chips at Home
  • Create a well: Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients using your spoon or fingers.
How to Make Keto Chips at Home
  • Add the wet ingredients: Crack the egg into the well and pour in the melted avocado oil.
How to Make Keto Chips at Home
  • Mix it up!: Using a fork, gently begin incorporating the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients from the well. Once a shaggy dough forms, use your hands to knead it briefly until smooth and combined. Avoid over-kneading, as this can make the chips tough.
How to Make Keto Chips at Home
  • Preheat and prep: Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • Roll it out: Place the dough between two sheets of parchment paper. Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough to a thin sheet, aiming for about 1/8 inch thickness. The thinner you roll it, the crispier the chips will be.
  • Shape and slice: Use a pizza cutter or sharp knife to cut the dough into desired shapes – triangles for classic tortilla chips or squares for a more rustic look.
  • Transfer to baking sheet: Carefully peel off the top layer of parchment paper and transfer the dough triangles (or squares) to your prepared baking sheet.
  • Baking Time: Bake the chips for 10-12 minutes, or until golden brown and crispy around the edges. Keep a close eye on them during the last few minutes to prevent burning.
  • Cool and enjoy! Let the chips cool on the baking sheet for a few minutes before transferring them to a wire rack to cool completely. Store leftover chips in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days.

Nutritional Information (per serving, approximately 3 chips):

  • Calories: 120
  • Fat: 9g
  • Carbs: 3g (net carbs 2g)
  • Protein: 5g

#2: Flavor Fiesta: Variations on a Classic

Now that you’ve mastered the basic keto tortilla chips recipe, let’s spice things up with some exciting flavor variations! Here are three delicious options to tantalize your taste buds:

1. Spicy Fiesta:

  • Ingredients: In addition to the basic recipe ingredients, add:
  • ½ teaspoon chili powder
  • ¼ teaspoon smoked paprika
  • Pinch of cayenne pepper (adjust to your spice preference)
  • Instructions: Add the chili powder, smoked paprika, and cayenne pepper along with the dry ingredients in step 1. Follow the remaining recipe instructions for baking and cooling.

2. Everything Bagel:

  • Ingredients: In addition to the basic recipe ingredients, add:
  • 1 tablespoon sesame seeds
  • 1 tablespoon poppy seeds
  • ½ teaspoon dried onion flakes
  • Instructions: Add the sesame seeds, poppy seeds, and dried onion flakes along with the dry ingredients in step 1. Follow the remaining recipe instructions for baking and cooling.

3. Cheesy Goodness:

  • Ingredients: In addition to the basic recipe ingredients, add:
  • ½ cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • Instructions: After whisking the dry ingredients in step 2, incorporate the shredded cheddar cheese. Follow the remaining recipe instructions for baking and cooling.


  • Feel free to experiment with different spices and herbs to create your own unique flavor combinations.
  • For a richer flavor in the Cheesy Goodness variation, consider using grated parmesan cheese instead of cheddar.
  • Want a hint of sweetness? Add a pinch of stevia or a keto-friendly sweetener of your choice to the basic recipe dough (be mindful of keeping it keto-friendly).

With these variations and your own creativity, you can transform this basic keto tortilla chips recipe into a flavor explosion! So grab your favorite spices and get ready to experience the delicious world of homemade, keto-friendly chips!

#3: Keto in a Pinch: Easy 2-Ingredient Keto Cheese Chips

Sometimes, the keto cravings hit hard, and you need a satisfying snack that’s both quick and easy. Enter these amazing 2-ingredient keto cheese Chips! With just cheese and a sprinkle of flavor, you can whip up a batch of crispy, cheesy goodness in minutes.

Yields: Approximately 10-12 crisps (depending on size)

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 5-7 minutes

Total Time: 10-12 minutes


How to Make Keto Chips at Home
  • 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • ¼ teaspoon garlic powder (optional)
  • Pinch of dried oregano (optional)


  • Preheat and prep: Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • Cheese magic: Spread the shredded cheese evenly onto the prepared baking sheet, leaving a little space between each mound for spreading. If using garlic powder and oregano, sprinkle them evenly over the cheese.
  • Baking time: Bake the cheese crisps for 5-7 minutes, or until golden brown and melted around the edges. Keep a close eye on them to prevent burning.
How to Make Keto Chips at Home
  • Cool and enjoy! Let the crisps cool on the baking sheet for a couple of minutes before transferring them to a wire rack to cool completely. Store leftover crisps in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days.

Nutritional Information (per serving, approximately 3 crisps):

  • Calories: 130
  • Fat: 10g
  • Carbs: 1g (net carbs 0.5g)
  • Protein: 7g

Flavor Variations:

  • Parmesan Power: For a stronger cheese flavor, swap the cheddar for parmesan cheese.
  • Spicy Fiesta: Add a pinch of chili powder and smoked paprika to the cheese before baking for a zesty kick.
  • Italian Herb Delight: Sprinkle a blend of Italian seasoning over the cheese for a burst of Mediterranean flavor.


  • Experiment with different types of shredded cheese to create your own flavor profiles. Mozzarella cheese melts beautifully and creates a slightly chewier texture.
  • Feel free to add a pinch of your favorite keto-friendly herbs for extra flavor variety.
  • Be mindful of the size of your cheese mounds. Larger mounds will take longer to bake through and may not crisp up evenly.

With this incredibly easy recipe and a little creativity, you can satisfy your cheese cravings while staying true to your keto lifestyle. So ditch the store-bought, carb-laden options and whip up a batch of these delightful keto cheese chips in no time!

#4: Everything Bagel Bliss: Keto Cheese Chips with a Flavorful Twist

Craving the iconic taste of everything bagels but staying true to your keto journey? These Keto cheese chips are here to answer your prayers! They combine the satisfying crunch of cheese crisps with the irresistible flavor explosion of everything bagel seasoning, creating a low-carb snack that’s both delicious and guilt-free.

Yields: Approximately 12-15 crisps (depending on size)

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 5-7 minutes

Total Time: 10-12 minutes


  • 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
  • ¼ cup shredded parmesan cheese
  • 2 tablespoons everything bagel seasoning
  • Pinch of garlic powder (optional)


  • Preheat and prep: Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • Combine the cheeses: In a small bowl, combine the shredded mozzarella and parmesan cheese.
How to Make Keto Chips at Home
  • Flavor fiesta: Add 1 tablespoon of the everything bagel seasoning and the garlic powder (if using) to the cheese mixture. Using a fork, toss everything together to evenly coat the cheese.
How to Make Keto Chips at Home
  • Shape and sprinkle: Using a spoon, drop small mounds of the cheese mixture onto the prepared baking sheet, leaving a little space between each mound for spreading. Sprinkle the remaining 1 tablespoon of everything bagel seasoning over the cheese mounds.
How to Make Keto Chips at Home
  •  baking time: Bake the cheese crisps for 5-7 minutes, or until golden brown and melted around the edges. Keep a close eye on them to prevent burning.
How to Make Keto Chips at Home
  • Cool and enjoy! Let the crisps cool on the baking sheet for a couple of minutes before transferring them to a wire rack to cool completely. Store leftover crisps in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days.

Nutritional Information (per serving, approximately 3 crisps):

  • Calories: 140
  • Fat: 11g
  • Carbs: 2g (net carbs 1g)
  • Protein: 8g


  • Feel free to adjust the amount of any bagel seasoning based on your taste preference.
  • For a richer cheese flavor, consider using a blend of shredded cheddar and parmesan cheese instead of mozzarella.
  • These crisps are incredibly versatile. You can add a pinch of your favorite dried herbs like oregano or thyme for a touch of variety.

With this simple recipe and a sprinkle of creativity, you can transform your snack time into a delightful journey to “everything bagel” heaven – all while staying on track with your keto goals. So preheat your oven, grab your cheese and spices, and get ready to experience a flavor explosion in every bite! With Cheese Chips Keto.

While we’re on a roll with crispy keto delights, let’s not forget the classic comfort food – cookies! The good news is, with a few clever substitutions, you can still enjoy those warm, gooey chocolate chip cookies without derailing your keto journey.

The key lies in using sugar-free sweeteners like erythritol or stevia, along with keto-approved flours like almond flour and coconut flour. These magic ingredients, along with some sugar-free chocolate chips, can transform into a batch of satisfyingly chewy keto chocolate chip cookies.

Here’s a basic recipe to get you started:

Yields: Approximately 10-12 cookies (depending on size) 

Prep Time: 10 minutes 

Cook Time: 10-12 minutes 

Total Time: 20-22 minutes


  • ½ cup almond flour
How to Make Keto Chips at Home
  • ¼ cup unsweetened coconut flour
  • ¼ teaspoon baking soda
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • ½ cup unsalted butter, softened
  • ¼ cup granulated sugar substitute (erythritol or stevia)
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • ½ cup sugar-free chocolate chips


  • Preheat and prep: Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • Whisk the dry ingredients: In a medium bowl, whisk together the almond flour, coconut flour, baking soda, and salt.
  • Cream the wet ingredients: In a separate bowl, cream together the softened butter and sugar substitute until light and fluffy. Beat in the egg and vanilla extract until well combined.
  • Bringing it all together: Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients, mixing until just combined. Fold in the sugar-free chocolate chips.
  • Shape and bake: Using a spoon or cookie scoop, drop rounded mounds of dough onto your prepared baking sheet. Leave some space between each cookie for spreading.
  • Baking time: Bake the cookies for 10-12 minutes, or until the edges are golden brown. The centers will still be slightly soft, but they will firm up as they cool.
  • Cool and enjoy! Let the cookies cool on the baking sheet for a few minutes before transferring them to a wire rack to cool completely. Store leftover cookies in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days.
  • Calories: 220
  • Fat: 16g
  • Carbs: 4g (net carbs 2g)
  • Protein: 2g


  • Not all sugar-free sweeteners are created equal. Be sure to choose a keto-friendly option and adjust the amount based on the sweetness of your chosen sweetener.
  • For a richer flavor, use a combination of almond flour and coconut flour. However, keep in mind that coconut flour absorbs more moisture, so you might need to adjust the amount of wet ingredients in the recipe.
  • You can experiment with different sugar-free chocolate chips to find your favorite flavor and texture.

So there you have it! With a little creativity and these keto-friendly substitutions, you can enjoy all the deliciousness of chocolate chip cookies without compromising your keto goals. Now go forth, bake, and conquer those cravings!

#6: Keto Pizza Party: Flavorful Keto Pizza Chips Made Easy!

We’ve explored delectable keto chips in various forms, from the classic tortilla style to cheesy delights and even sweet temptations. But what if you’re craving that irresistible combination of flavors on a pizza? Look no further than keto pizza chips! These crispy bites transform low-carb vegetables like cauliflower or zucchini into miniature pizza bases, ready to be adorned with your favorite toppings.

Yields: Approximately 15-20 chips (depending on size) 

Prep Time: 10 minutes 

Cook Time: 15-20 minutes (depending on the chosen vegetable) 

Total Time: 25-30 minutes


How to Make Keto Chips at Home
  • 1 head of cauliflower, riced (or 2 medium zucchinis, grated)
  • 1 large egg
  • ¼ cup grated parmesan cheese
  • ½ teaspoon dried oregano
  • ¼ teaspoon garlic powder
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • Pinch of black pepper
  • Pizza sauce of your choice (sugar-free recommended)
  • Shredded mozzarella cheese
  • Your favorite keto-friendly pizza toppings (pepperoni, olives, bell peppers, etc.)


  • Preheat and prep: Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • Prepare the base: If using cauliflower, rice it using a food processor or box grater. If using zucchini, grate it on the coarse side of a box grater. Place the grated vegetables in a clean kitchen towel and squeeze out as much moisture as possible.
  • Mix it up: In a large bowl, combine the riced cauliflower (or grated zucchini), egg, parmesan cheese, oregano, garlic powder, salt, and pepper. Mix well to ensure everything is evenly distributed.
  • Shape and bake: Using a spoon, drop rounded mounds of the cauliflower or zucchini mixture onto your prepared baking sheet. Spread them out into thin patties, aiming for about ¼ inch thickness.
How to Make Keto Chips at Home
  • Baking time: Bake the cauliflower (or zucchini) chips for 15-20 minutes, or until golden brown and slightly crispy around the edges. Flip them halfway through baking to ensure even browning.
How to Make Keto Chips at Home
  • Top it off! Once the chips are baked, remove them from the oven and spread a thin layer of your chosen pizza sauce on each chip. Top with shredded mozzarella cheese and your favorite keto-friendly pizza toppings.
  • Broil and enjoy! Place the baking sheet back in the oven under the broiler setting for 1-2 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and bubbly. Keep a close eye on them to prevent burning.
  • Cool and devour! Let the pizza chips cool slightly on the baking sheet before transferring them to a wire rack to cool completely. Serve immediately and enjoy that burst of pizza flavor in every bite!


  • If using zucchini, you might need to squeeze out excess moisture a second time after grating, as zucchini tends to be more watery than cauliflower.
  • Don’t overload the chips with toppings, as this can make them soggy.
  • Get creative with your toppings! Chopped cooked chicken, roasted red peppers, or even keto-friendly Alfredo sauce drizzle can add delicious variations.

Wrapping Up!

So that’s all about ” How to make keto chips at home”. This recipe collection equips you with everything you need to create a universe of delicious and satisfying keto chip options.

From classic tortilla renditions to cheesy delights, flavor-packed “everything bagel” crisps, and miniature keto pizzas, these recipes prove that staying true to your keto lifestyle doesn’t mean sacrificing taste or fun. So grab your favorite ingredients, unleash your inner chip-making genius, and get ready to experience a whole new world of keto-friendly snacking bliss!

Leaving yet? Just wait! Here is our latest guide on “What chips are keto-friendly“. You certainly don’t want to bet around keto recipes. Right?

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