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How To Do Strict Keto – Best Diet For Dummies And Epilepsy

ketogenic diet food and plans

A strict diet is a very different and little difficult experience for every individual, particularly when talking about the keto diet. It varies from person to person as body type differs individually, a diet plan needed to trim down fat may also vary. As every type of body fat is unique.

When starting to plan a diet, one should make sure to take professional advice from a nutritionist. Make sure to communicate all the things running in your mind. Primarily, do your research on any diet, especially the strict keto diet.

The keto diet is a quick but short-term solution to trim down excess fat from the body. Therefore keeping all the pros and cons in mind, one should opt for what’s suitable for the body type. During the diet, one must avoid processed food and eat a calculated amount of fat and proteins to kick start the ketosis process in the body. Add fruits, cheese, eggs, and other food items that must be keto-friendly.

How many types of the keto diet

Though there are many types of the keto diet, here we have mentioned the four most popular diets, out of which strict keto diet will be discussed in detail.

1: A Strict Keto Diet  

  • Allows for the lowest amount of carbs
  • Also known as the therapeutic keto diet
  • Eat clean, whole foods
  • Avoid gluten and added sugar even if carbs are low
  • Stay under 20g net carbs per day
  • Strictly monitoring all calories
  • Best for goal-oriented individuals or those struggling to lose weight Epilepsy treatment.

2: Lazy Keto Diet

  • Stay under 20g net carbs per day
  • No tracking of other macros or calories-focus is on limiting carb intake.
  • Bst for those who prefer to keep it simple or get overwhelmed by tracking

3: Dirty Keto Diet

  • Stay under 20g net carbs per day
  • Involves eating processed and unhealthy foods as long as the macros work out.
  • Suitable for those who like having flexibility in their diet or whose lifestyle makes clean eating difficult.

2: Standard Ketogenic Diet:

  • Intake of maximum fat, medium protein, and low carbs is the highlight of this diet.
  • No specific calorie count.
  • Eat until full.
  • One might be eating the same meal every day.
  • Three meals a day.
  • There is no set time for the meals.

3: Cyclic Ketogenic Diet:

  • It is a low-carb diet.
  • It is a form of a general ketogenic diet.
  • It maximizes fat loss while maintaining the ability to perform high-intensity workouts.
  • Primarily used by athletes or people who exercise heavily. 

4: Targeted Ketogenic Diet:

  • It is to pump up muscles.
  • The timing of nutrients is Tracked.
  • One eats more carbs before and after a workout to power up their workout.

All types have their potential drawbacks. Make sure you have professional guidance parallel to your research.

You can get more effective info and guidelines through Custom Keto Diet Plan

What is a strict Keto Diet and how to follow Generally

The strict keto diet increases the intake of healthy fats to maximum, very minimal carb, and protein in moderate amounts. Reduce processed foods, add in more vegetables, fruits, and keto-friendly food items. Everyone can follow the keto diet. Not just the keto diet, but every diet comes with certain warning labels.

You will be able to get into ketosis by following the strict keto diet, which is designed to train your body to burn fat for energy. This is usually the traditional approach most people start with.

You may reduce your carbohydrate intake to as little as 15 grams per day on the strict keto diet. Depending on the individual, this may differ.

 As you begin the strict keto diet, you will do quite a bit of macronutrient tracking until your body gets into ketosis and you find the exact macronutrients that are most effective for you. Approximately 70% of your calories will come from fat, 25% from protein, and only 5% from carbohydrates. 

Therefore, professional assistance is a must with one’s research on the diet plan. The keto diet has been known to cause kidney issues, it is a big no for individuals with diabetes as well. Keeping it to a limit where you don’t push your body more than it can bear, every diet is good for everyone.  

How does the Strict keto diet work for epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a typical neurological ailment that can be controlled adequately in numerous patients with somewhere around one antiepileptic drug.

Around 30% of patients with epilepsy have stubborn epilepsy, that is, have a mistake of good fundamentals of two suffered, appropriately picked, and used antiepileptic drug plans to achieve upheld lightening of seizures. 

The great ketogenic diet contains a high-fat, low-protein, and starch diet with bound calories and fluids. The eating routine mimics the fasting state, adjusting the processing to use fats as a fundamental fuel source; catabolism of unsaturated fats in the liver produces ketone bodies, impelling urinary ketosis.

Subsequently, keto-diet is useful for epilepsy.

What are the side effects of a strict keto diet?

Diet can be very challenging for beginners. The side effects of the strict keto diet are discussed below:

1- Mood Swings:

When on the strict keto diet, one can be moody as the food intake is low-carb. Especially in the beginning, as the body is not used to eating less or restricted eating.

2- Constipation:

When on a diet plan that includes low carb and fewer fiber foods. Most of the fruits and vegetables are a big no during the strict keto diet. As a result, one can face constipation.

3- Dehydration:

As the body uses all the extra water in your body. You might find yourself dehydrated. Water should be consumed more.

4- Kidney issues:

As carbs are cut down and more fat is introduced into the body. A kidney might harm its normal functioning. Be careful in opting for this diet.

It is the reason we recommend following proper keto planning or a diet professional to carry on.

How long should You do strict keto?

Diet is not only a change in the menu of food you eat. It is a lifestyle change. Sometimes losing fat can be very challenging. The strict keto diet is a fast way of thrashing away your fat and becoming the self you have always wanted. 

According to professionals, keeping all the drawbacks of this diet, Keto is a quick but short-term way out to lose fat. A time period of four to six months is enough to stay on this diet as it can affect your kidney. For adults, they should focus more on food portions rather than opting for a full-on diet.

the Strict ketogenic diet menu

 The following menu can be followed:

  • Use cream and butter with eggs. Make scrambled eggs for breakfast. Add in a portion of strawberries.
  • During this time, grains, sugar, most fruits, and starch will be cut out of your diet.
  • Other healthy fats, such as coconut oil, nuts, seeds,
  • leafy green vegetables, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower
  • Use tortilla wraps with avocado dip, as avocados are the most keto-friendly, make a dip using avocados, mayonnaise, olive oil, some cream, butter, and cheddar cheese. Enjoy lunch.
  • There is no restriction on berries, but we recommend stevia, monk fruit, and erythritol if you want to add in sweeteners.what is strict keto diet 
  • Add in a little protein for dinner, use a chicken breast, add in some cucumbers and tomatoes with mayonnaise and cream. Add in some nuts and a piece of fruit for snacking.


How to do strict keto diet- Final Verdict

Diet is an individual choice and the final verdict about the result and the experience also may vary from person to person. According to professionals, the keto diet is a fast way out to lose weight, but it is not the best way or long-term strategy. The maximum period to keep doing this strict keto diet is four to six months. As continuous use of high protein and low carb diets can affect the normal functioning of the kidney. Adding to this strict keto diet is a big no for people who have diabetes. Make sure to have professional advice before opting for this diet.

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