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How Many Carbs a Day On a Keto Diet?

There is no one word or line to answer this. Because keto is different for different people, keep reading. I will let you know, Why? and How!. 

You must be aware that a ketogenic diet aims to keep the lowest carbohydrate (carbs) intake possible. Keeping carbs low is the fundamental way to take your body in the state of ketosis. 

But how many carbs is “Low”? this question needs to be addressed in detail.

The ketogenic diet has different versions having varying percentages of fats, proteins, and carbs, that you can take up according to your body type, lifestyle, or weight loss goals.  

Here is a little expound of different types of Keto diet 

• Standard ketogenic diet (SKD) 

SKD is based on 70% fats, 20% proteins, and 10% carbs in your daily food intake.

• High Protein ketogenic diet 

High protein keto is based on 60% fats, 35% proteins, and 5% carbs. In this diet, your daily intake will be a little higher on proteins, slightly less on fats, and significantly less on carbs than a standard keto diet. 

• Targeted ketogenic diet 

When you have to follow different targets, you can modify your keto diet intakes accordingly. 

Like in the case of heavy workouts, a standard keto diet has a very insufficient supply of carbohydrates for your body to perform the task and heal after that.  

So, a targeted diet allows you to add more carbs occasionally, like near workouts.

• Cyclical ketogenic diet 

As evident from its name, this diet goes in cycles. 

It is based on rounds of high carbohydrate refeeds after a period of low in carbohydrate ketogenic diet, which you can decide (with the help of your coach) according to your body type and health goals. 

For example, you can have five days of keto diet following two days of high carbohydrates in your diet or six days of keto after one day of high carb diet and vise versa. 

How to calculate your carbohydrate intake ?

The above-mentioned percentages apply to the count of calories you should take in one day. Daily calorie intake is different for people with different ages, genders, and weight loss and weight gain goals. 

So your calorie count is going to be different according to you and your daily activities and lifestyle. But, let me give you an overview of the average carb count, which works for most people.

On average, an adult female should be taking 2000 while an adult male should be taking at least 2500 calories per day.  

Let’s get into a little calculation! 

For a 2000 calorie diet, 10% carbohydrates will make 200 calories a day, i.e., 2000/10=200. In the same way, 5% carbohydrates will be 2000/5= 400 calories a day. 

Or, to ease your life, you can convert your calories into grams (which is a better idea because grams can be weighed).  

One gram of carbohydrates provides four calories [*]. So, it is elementary to calculate how many carbs (in grams) should be taken to provide 200 calories. i.e 200/4 =50 or 400/4= 10 grams.  

Even though you are not a math person, you can do it! Or take help from us HERE. 

“Which Carbs” is essential too ?

In the keto diet, when we are talking about carbohydrate intake, it means we are definitely not talking about processed and refined carbs. Keto-friendly carbs are a priority.  

It will help if you are very cautious in choosing the source of your carbohydrates. Because when you go keto, even natural doesn’t mean healthy. 

That means your carbs should be coming from keto-friendly sweeteners like Stevia extracts and not from cupcakes! 

Any source high in carbs and fibers can ruin your ketosis even some fruits like mangoes, bananas, apples are a big NO! 

You will definitely need some expert help! 

To get more personalized in determining your carb intake according to your age, height, and activity and for a guide on “which sources are best for filling your carb needs,” you can take expert help from KETOTONICS.

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